Saturday, November 14, 2009


1. In the podcast i described how i will be using spreadsheets in my high school math classroom. I think they are a valuable tool in order to keep organized. I want to use them for my own use too keep track of my students grades while posting them onto a visible site for my students to see as well to keep them updated with their own progress.
2.After listening to the class podcast i have become very interested in this new tool. I think it is a great way to bring a new environment to the classroom. It is fun to have listen to everyone's own reflections and comments on the class. I will definitely use this tool in my classroom with many tools that my classmates have shared.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog#9 Podcast

All of my podcats i found are on itunes through Loretta Palmer, Distance Education, College Algebra, Utah Valley University.
1. Review of Intermiediate Algebra- This podcast demonstartes basic algebra tehcinques that students should have already learned in order to review and learn more in their trigonometry course. This will be an optional podcast i will offer to my students before the class begins and encourage them to watch and listen in order to be up to date on their current math skills, a small review. It will be provided on a online website that i would give to the students.
2. Rational Functions- This podcast will be my first lesson plan. After teaching verbally to the students i will plan on using this podcast to test their knoweldge of what i had jsut taught them. Rational Functions will demonstrate a division of two polynomial functions.
3. Quadratic Functions- This podcast will be my next lesson plan explaing and almost reviewing quadratic functions. The students will learn new formulas and calculator tips in order to complete further math problems

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

#8 Social Software Tools

In my 8th grade math class I plan on using social online storage tool through . Through this website my studetns can callaboarte, share, and store many types of files and choose to keep them private or shared. Here are all the things I hope to have on this website.
1. I will require all of my students to have a account and encourage them to use it for other classes as well.
2. They can share videos, photos, documents and participate in discussion media with other studetns in their class
3. I will post all my lesson plan/assignments, deadlines/calendar, and test reviews on my own account allowing all the studetns to see. However each lesson plan/assignment and test review assignment i post will only be up for one day, so it is every students responsiblity to make sure they have a copy of it in their documents.
4. If a student has any questions about a problem or any questions in general they can choose to only ask me or ask everyone in the class through, giving every student a chance to participate in an online discussion.
5. Because the students will be required for having their own copies of assignments, students who are absent have no excuse for missing the lesson plan and can particpiate in online discussion to get feedback from others who were in class.
6. Also since this portrays as a back up storage for their hard drive, all your files will never crash and remain on your online storage account.
7. Its a safe, easy and reliable tool that will help keep my students well organized and alwyas on top of it!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Classroom Netiquette Rules

Miss Graff’s

7th grade Netiquette Guidelines
for internet use…

1.)When you are using a computer YOU are in control, don’t take advantage of your freedom rights. YOU are responsible for your own actions.

2.)Respect your fellow online mates

3.)Treat others the way you want to be treated. For example, if you post a blog or video you came up with on the internet and someone steels it or “plagiarizes” your own thoughts you would be upset, so don’t return the favor.

4.)Use valuable sources such as .gov, .org, encyclopedia’s or library sources, avoid Wikipedia or junk sites.

5.)Watch the way you “type” in any sort of email, IM, or blog, and avoid using capital letters because it may portray aggressiveness.

6.)Do not post any private information about yourself or others on the internet. Use passwords and be smart about your actions presented through the internet.

7.)When emailing keep these in mind:
Short and to the point
Always use spell check!
Make sure you demonstrate a subject matter
Make sure the reader comprehends the message the way you want them to

8.)Be open-minded for online discussion but keep all these guidelines in mind.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Embedded Web Game

Friday, October 9, 2009


#1. I chose to view a 4th grade M&M Food for Thought spreadsheet showing relationships by Mr.Ron Huckins. In his project he separates his students into groups of five giving them each a different amount and variety of M&M's. With the M&M's you are to separate them according to color, then record the information each group got form their bag. The students did this on spreadsheets on the computer. They learned to record information according to the number and color of M&M's. Then the students learned how to make a bar/or column graph according to their information. Also with the graphs and information they learned how to make it creative by using colors associated to the colors from the M&M's. Once they recorded all their information they learned how to take the total, average, and percent using different formulas given from Sum, Average, and Percent. Then at the end of the project, he gave the students a chance to analyze there work and come up with a concluding statement.

#2. If i were to adapt this to a junior high level(7th grade), I would have each student do this exercise individually each with their own small pack of M&M's. After recording their inforamtion from the M&M's on an Excel Spreadsheet, i would challenge them to make their data unique and stand out from everyone elses. Such thing like adding graphic images, different font, colors, organization, ect.. Then once they were done with the creative side i would have them record information from two of their peers to place onto their spreadsheet, then find the total of each color, and the sum. After they recived all the information i would direct them to make a pie chart from their information of different colors total, and then a seperate graph of their choose from their information of averages.