Wednesday, October 28, 2009

#8 Social Software Tools

In my 8th grade math class I plan on using social online storage tool through . Through this website my studetns can callaboarte, share, and store many types of files and choose to keep them private or shared. Here are all the things I hope to have on this website.
1. I will require all of my students to have a account and encourage them to use it for other classes as well.
2. They can share videos, photos, documents and participate in discussion media with other studetns in their class
3. I will post all my lesson plan/assignments, deadlines/calendar, and test reviews on my own account allowing all the studetns to see. However each lesson plan/assignment and test review assignment i post will only be up for one day, so it is every students responsiblity to make sure they have a copy of it in their documents.
4. If a student has any questions about a problem or any questions in general they can choose to only ask me or ask everyone in the class through, giving every student a chance to participate in an online discussion.
5. Because the students will be required for having their own copies of assignments, students who are absent have no excuse for missing the lesson plan and can particpiate in online discussion to get feedback from others who were in class.
6. Also since this portrays as a back up storage for their hard drive, all your files will never crash and remain on your online storage account.
7. Its a safe, easy and reliable tool that will help keep my students well organized and alwyas on top of it!

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