Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Activity

#1. You could use Jigsaw in the classroom with only five computers by setting up different groups. Lets say there is 25 students in the class, this way you could make five groups of five students. In each group every individual will be assigned a certain topic to learn and teach to the rest of their group members. So lets say one topic was finding the area of a triangle. Every student assigned this topic out of each group would get together to find the answer. This second family they are now working with each have one computer to share and find the answers with to report back to their main family. Because each topic family only has one computer, you can assign a leader in that second family to do the research with the help from the other students in that group. Then once they all agree on the information they report back to their main family and share the information with them.

#2. An advantage of this method would be that it gets the students more engaged and powered in their own individual group. It gives every student a responsibility to obtain a certain amount of information to report back. Also it lets people depend on you by working as a team and experiencing other methods of learning.

#3. A disadvantage of this method would be having all the students be fully engaged throughout the whole exercise. If one student didn't care then the rest of the group will suffer. So it is the teachers responsibility to not let this happen and find ways around this.

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